At Double O a guy taught me how to dance with him. At first, he was not satisfied because when i moved my body, my heart and feelings were not in it. He could sense it immediately. He asked me to loosen up the self. And I did.
I allowed my feelings to move along with his hands and body, including the music. In less than no time, our communication took off.
At Cuba Libra, where everyone was dancing to Latin American music, i had a conversation with a girl who told me that she used to have a dance teacher who did not express much verbally, but spoke volumes every moment she demonstrated with her body gestures . Instead of listening to her , students could feel her dance, her soul.
Then I thought about my own imaginary dance with Jesus. That is what I romanticize occasionally. In order for me to improve my dance with Him, i need to feel what i believe, in spite of circumstances. Yes, i believe, but i need to feel it with my heart, then i can tango with HIm, enjoy our secret language, and get closer to His rhythm and style.
then i feel two verses floating in the afternoon air ,
"it is for freedom that Christ as set us free" Galatians 5: 1
"if the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free." john 8: 36
yea free to dance too !