i wish there were more graffiti art in Singapore. but of course, it is a tiny island. if it is truly allowed, can one actually imagine what the landscape would look like? it's quite unlike a bigger country say like the USA or China, where graffiti can occur anywhere and the place would still look rather unaffected. correct me if i am wrong!
at the same time, singapore is getting just a little too tame for the soul. when i gaze at graffiti art, there is always the urge to join the wild, the untamed, the rawness of it all. now that it is not really around me i have to look elsewhere, and sometimes, allow the imagination to soar. but how high can it soar? at the moment it is resting on a plane and i am waiting to go to new dream spaces, where i will be surrounded by clouds and angels and friends and a lover. i won't mind just experiencing a glimpse of heaven :)
the messages can get quite intense in graffiti art. i sometimes find it hard to express anger. graffiti is a spontaneous and honest way to express how we feel without caring about how other people think.it is a secret and safe place. right now, i am not angry. just pretty excited about tomorrow. well, nothing significant i know is happening, but oddly, i feel excited. maybe because my perception of what a new day is all about is gradually changing. there are always instances where God throws pleasant surprises at us, catching us off guard. it usually happens when i delight in Him. " if you delight in Him, He will give you the desires of your heart!"
it just feels pretty good to be floating with the river of life, that comes from Him. If only i could express the feeling of riding on this river through graffiti, say near where i work or hang out. but hey it's okay, i will find other means really soon.