Thursday, August 04, 2005

sleepless in singapore

This space lies before me, as usual.
I used to see it as a haunting entity,
ready to engulf me with its hollowness.
But now, the emptiness within it
excites me no end, and inspires within me
the desire to seek new possibilities.
Sometimes, I see strange objects that
seem out of place,and other times,
I allow my own body to enter this space,
to feel my connection to it.
That is also the moment when
the desired sense of belonging comes
into existence,within that space of
perfect nothingness.

5th of August '05


Frank said...

That is a very beautiful commentary. Did you write that yourself, or is that a quotation from something else? I'll bet that you probably wrote that.

Jie Jie Ng said...

hello frank, i am glad u like it. yah, i did write it myself. i was jetlagged that week and was awake the whole time at night :)