Sunday, March 05, 2006

that moment


It is what I remember
that drives me out of the tunnel
into this wide open space
with autumn leaves and used cigarettes
combined to give me a feeling
of nostalgia
for that moment I imagine I did
spend with you.
Your face seems elusive
and yet so filled with goodness.
Did we ever enter that alleyway
where the silence
enveloped us, asking us to
pause, to think, to turn away
from the gaze of the outside world?
Or did we actually ignore it
and continue following the noise
of the traffic ahead of us
forgetting our feelings,
disguising our thoughts
only to churn them out
in violent graffiti
in yet another silent alleyway.


Anonymous said...

hey jiejie,
how are you? nice to visit your webpage and read your profund thoughts

Jie Jie Ng said...

hey sudipa. i am doing fine! you are always welcome here anytime you visit :)
anyway, i hope that you are enjoying winter ann arbor!

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.